Vintage Nike tag history guide

How to tell if your vintage Nike sweatshirt is actually vintage?

With the rising popularity and price of vintage Nike sweatshirts from the 80s, 90s and 00s, many people are finding themselves somewhat scammed by people on websites such as Depop and eBay selling their Nike sweatshirts as 90s when in fact is might only have been produced a few years ago. It's getting even harder now that Nike have started reproducing old retro designs and some fake and bootlegs have flooded the market.

In order to date your vintage Nike clothes, you will need to look for clues. The most helpful clue is the neck tag. Every few years, Nike change the design of the label that goes behind the neck. 

Here are two useful guides that give accurate ideas of roughly when certain tags were used


Nike tag history

Vintage Nike tag guide

Check out our own selection of vintage Nike, we'll always be honest with what era it comes from



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